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An Introduction to Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Published: at 12:00 PM

An Introduction to Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) is an approach in natural language processing that combines a neural retriever with a neural generator to produce coherent and factual text. RAG models have shown promising results in tasks like open-ended question answering, summarization, and dialogue.

How RAG Models Work

RAG models consist of two main components:

During inference, the retriever first retrieves relevant contexts for the given query or prompt. The generator then conditions on these contexts as well as the original query to generate the final output. The retriever and generator are trained jointly, often with a Generative QA (GenQA) objective of maximizing the likelihood of generating the ground truth text.

Benefits of RAG Models

Some key benefits of RAG models include:

RAG Applications

RAG models have shown promising results on several NLP tasks:

Overall, RAG offers an effective way to make NLG models more factual, specific, and knowledgeable. As retrieval indexes and pre-trained models continue to improve, we can expect further advances in RAG’s capabilities.